Ketogenic diet for children

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 80
Format: 17x24 cm

At a first glance, it may appear surprising that one of the treatments for epilepsy resistant to medication is a diet.
And yet since time immemorial, we have observed the benefits of the ketogenic diet on epilepsy.
However, this fairly restrictive diet can also lead to side-effects that are particularly deleterious. It is therefore necessary to establish a rigorous follow-up with doctors, nursing teams and nutritionists.
Written by specialists in clear and accessible language, this work takes a look at current knowledge on the ketogenic diet, its mechanisms of action, and the way for it to be implemented, including its indications and evidence for its efficacy, all in very few pages.
A glossary to become more acquainted with the medical terms is included at the end of the book.
Finally, a recipe section offers a few ideas for parents of children on the ketogenic diet.
Diet or diets?
Proven efficacy of the ketogenic diet
Mechanisms of action
Indications of the ketogenic diet
Data on the other forms of “ketogenic” diets
Modified Atkins diet and low glycaemic index diet
Starting the ketogenic diet
Monitoring the ketogenic diet