Arrêt cardiaque

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Available from 05/09/2024  
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Pages: 288
Format: 15,5 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-2572-0777-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 05/09/2024

Among the challenges we face as healthcare professionals, cardiac arrest occupies a special place, due to its sudden nature and extremely poor prognosis if care is less than optimal. Cardiac arrest is much more than a simple heart failure: it is a critical event which, by depriving the entire body of circulation, puts the patient's survival at stake in the minutes following its onset.

Our response must be rapid, coordinated and based on the latest scientific and clinical advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This book is aimed not only at doctors and staff working in EMS, SMUR and emergency departments, but more broadly at all healthcare professionals who may find themselves confronted in their day-to-day practice with the management of a patient suffering cardiac arrest, whether they be doctors, nurses, paramedics or other players in the chain of survival.

By bringing together the latest knowledge on this pathology, this book aims to provide a comprehensive and reliable guide to the optimal management of cardiac arrest. Each chapter covers the underlying physio-pathological mechanisms of cardiac arrest, including special circumstances such as trauma and pregnancy, the main recommendations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and up-to-date treatment protocols.

An indispensable tool for staying at the cutting edge of emergency medicine, this book also covers emerging technologies, innovative therapies and prevention strategies. Indeed, it is essential that as healthcare professionals, we are constantly engaged in a process of continuous learning and improvement of our clinical practices.

This book, the fruit of the collaboration of over forty experts in the field, has been designed with this in mind, with the aim of strengthening our skills, deepening our understanding and, above all, enabling us to improve the care of our patients.

Guillaume Debaty est praticien hospitalier, Professeur des universités en médecine d’urgence à l’université Grenoble-Alpes et chef de service du SAMU de l’Isère.

Il est président du bureau « Arrêt cardiaque » de la SFMU et membre de l’International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)

Benoît Vivien est praticien hospitalier, professeur des Universités en médecine d’urgence à l’université Paris-Cité, adjoint du chef de Service du SAMU de Paris,

et responsable de la régulation régionale pédiatrique Île-de-France

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